

Last seen: 1 year ago

Member since Jul 7, 2022

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Hack News
Chinese Hackers Backdoored MiMi Chat App to Target Windows, Linux, macOS Users

Chinese Hackers Backdoored MiMi Chat App to Target Windows,...

A pair of reports from cybersecurity firms SEKOIA and Trend Micro sheds light on...

39% of businesses suffered cyber attacks in the past year

39% of businesses suffered cyber attacks in the past year

Two in five businesses reported a cyber attack or data breach in the past 12 months,...

To Knows
Organisations Must Invest in Cyber Defences Before It’s Too Late

Organisations Must Invest in Cyber Defences Before It’s...

We’ve all been feeling the effects of inflation recently. Prices rose by 8.2% in...

To Knows
5 Controls That You Need to Know To Secure Any Server

5 Controls That You Need to Know To Secure Any Server

Cyber Essentials is a UK government scheme that outlines steps that organizations...

Most Important Tools Used During Mobile Application Pen-testing

Most Important Tools Used During Mobile Application Pen-testing

Mobile applications are the future of Information Technology. It's the next big...

Top 5 cyber security risks for businesses

Top 5 cyber security risks for businesses

In an increasingly digital world, there are an escalating number of cybersecurity...

To Knows
The Complete Guide to Vulnerability Assessments and How they are Preventing Data Breaches

The Complete Guide to Vulnerability Assessments and How...

A vulnerability assessment is a process that identifies and analyzes the vulnerabilities...